Yoga with Shamanic Journey
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Yoga with Shamanic Journey

Join us for a unique 6-week course blending yoga and shamanic journeying, starting on September 19th.

Select date and time

Thursday, September 26 · 8 - 9:30pm GMT+1


Church Terrace

Church Terrace Bray Ireland

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

The Loft, Common Ground Bray

€111 for 6-week course

Starts Sept. 19th 8PM - 9.30PM

Unwaged option available

Contact Jenna at 0857070948 or Email to book without Eventbrite booking fee or for queries

Join a 6-week course of Yoga with Shamanic Journeying. Every week we'll move through a chakra centre that will relate and help to power our Shamanic Journey. We will practise breathwork, yoga asana and journeying as a way to heal, revitalise and grow. There is no experience necessary, all are welcome.

“Shamanism is a path of knowledge, not of faith, and that knowledge cannot come from me or anyone else in this reality. To acquire that knowledge, including the knowledge of the reality of the spirits, it is necessary to step through the shaman’s doorway and acquire empirical evidence.”
Michael Harner

Week 1: Roots of Power

Breathwork and yoga asana to charge your Root and Sacral chakra.

Journey to Meet Power Animal and your Guides

Week 2: Solar Plexus Release

Breathwork and yoga asana to unravel emotional tension. Journey to release difficult emotions

Week 3: Doorway of the Heart

Gentle breathwork and Yin to open our hearts.

Journey to connect and learn from the collective heart

Week 4: Hara Connection

Breathwork and Kriya to deep dive into our Wombspace or Hara.

Journey to connect with our higher self as we engage with our second heart, the Wombspace or Hara

Week 5: Sacred Truth

Breathwork and vocalisation to release the throat chakra. Movement to stimulate throat centre.

Journey to meet your inner child and learn your truth.

Week 6: Awareness and Trust

Breathwork and yoga asanas to invigorate the whole body and charge the higher centres.

Journey to strengthen your intuition and ask for healing and understanding of your souls purpose

Your Facilitator:

Jenna is a 200-hour certified yoga teacher, Pregnancy yoga teacher, Yin Yoga teacher, and Shamanic Practitioner. She has 5 years of one-on-one experience teaching Yoga and has worked with clients one to one and in group classes. Her passion is teaching yoga as a means to access deep healing within ourselves through the emotional and physical body. She believes that yoga is a doorway to possibility and an opportunity to uncover more of who we truly are. Shamanism has been another practice to aid in finding a reconnection with spirit, self, and non-ordinary reality.

The Journey
Each week we will do breathwork and yoga asanas for 40 minutes. You will be guided into a journey using the Shaman drum. The drum is a Shamanic tool for accessing Shamanic State Consciousness. The drum aids in creating a trance state as the sound allows our brainwaves to move from Beta to Theta. For 20-30 minutes you will go on your own, individual, journey. The key is to trust, allow, and have fun playing in this new way! It is always surprising what people see, feel and hear. We will close our ceremony with a sharing circle if you wish to share or you may prefer to journal.

I’m excited to meet and journey with you! Please message me if you have any questions

Jenna x

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