WILD ~ CARD  Calling for WOMEN

WILD ~ CARD Calling for WOMEN

Cauldron to Unravel and Release and share deeply

Date and time

Wednesday, November 13 · 11am - 1pm PST



Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Wild Card is a calling to women searching for a deeper connection in a circle to express themselves, to be honest, to rewild, to be authentic, to unmask, and to really be allowed to be YOUR AWAKE self.

Some CORE roots in my work are Shamanic - Tantric & Somatic, enveloped in an informed approach to our cultural issues and taboo subject

I have not only lived a life experience of this, but I have spent years Researching Witches and the history of Patriarchy.

I work from a RADICAL ECO FEMINISM space.

We will touch on delicate subjects on






EMBODIMENT & Experience Somatic practices to help shift the blocks, energy and rising of what is present


This event is a FEELING event. It is a deep container that will create a rippling lasting effect or rise of fire - IT is not suitable for people who are very unstable in themselves in these times, going through psychiatric care. It is not a counselling session, it is not a talk therapy still gathering, it is not a GET healed by Macha event, it is turn up for YOURSELF event Getting authentic, Gathering with similar Womb energies and cultivating releasing old patterns attached and ideas.

DEEP healing of the WOMEN CIRCLING together. This is not just women's work. Its WITCHES work.

You need to feel to decide, I can not inform you what this event will be like in detail as YOU are the creator the energy shifts as we Gather! Trust is a practice of the Womb.

We will prepare, we will gather, and we will continue!

In conjunction with Anu Temple Arts / Mystery School

The event called **WILD CARD**, guided by Macha Shewolf, sounds like it is set up to be an empowering space, particularly for those who resonate with the archetype of the witch, and aimed at addressing themes like healing the wounds of patriarchy. Here's how such an event might be structured and impactful within a two-hour deep container format:

Witch = Medicine woman = Shaman = Woman Leader from matriarchal ROOT

Witch Archetype = Its more then a archetypes -ITS WHO YOU ARE -

Through an exploration of the witch as a historical and cultural symbol, addressing:

Patriarchal oppression: How the persecution of witches represents a fear of feminine power, intuitive knowledge, and independence.

Reclaiming the witch: Encouraging participants to reclaim the archetype of the witch as a source of personal and collective empowerment.

- Shadow work: Participants could explore their personal shadows and how patriarchal conditioning has shaped their perceptions of power, femininity, and witchcraft.

-Ritual or Ceremony:There may be a communal ritual to release the hold of patriarchy on the body, mind, or spirit.

- Symbolic actions such as burning representations of oppressive beliefs.

- Chanting, drumming, or sound healing to connect with ancient energies.

- Visualization or energy work to reclaim personal power and sovereignty.

-Guided inner journey: Through trance shamanic work

Collective intention setting for moving forward in the world with the reclaimed power of the witch.

Why It's a Deep Container for Healing Patriarchy

Safe, sacred space:The container allows participants to explore difficult topics—like internalized patriarchy, trauma, and reclamation of power—in a supportive environment.

Archetypal power: The witch, as a symbol of feminine resistance, intuition, and magic, offers a potent framework for healing. This event likely uses the witch archetype to empower participants to break free from patriarchal conditioning and step into their power.

Collective healing: Beyond individual work, this event seems to focus on collective healing, with participants coming together to heal the larger cultural wound of patriarchal oppression.

In just two hours, such an event can open up deep emotional and spiritual healing, while offering practical steps for integrating this transformative work into womens lives.


Extra Support Journey 1-1 is over a period of weeks online with x2 online sessions and deeper VIP connection along the journey - The journey must be complete by the end of November.

( this is a special price for this event attendees ONLY, and it is NOT my Initiation Program)

You can also pay for this ticket directly to me; please contact me.

If purchased BEFORE WildCall, you receive Wild Call event for Free =111e reduction.


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