Understanding Resistance in Europe’s East: Public Lecture Series at TCD
Exploring patterns of resistance, opposition, non-compliance and protest in the eastern regions of Europe - both past and present.
Select date and time
Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin
College Green Dublin 2 IrelandAgenda
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
The birth of resistance in eastern Europe
Graeme Murdock (TCD)
About this event
- Event lasts 30 minutes
This year’s lecture series explores forms and patterns of resistance, opposition, non-compliance or protest in Europe’s East - both past and present.
Our lecturers will discuss manifestations of resistance in the region’s history, the long-term legacies of dissent, innovative forms of protest, and the role of culture in shaping critical views of politics and society.
The series will highlight the multifaceted nature of resistance by showcasing the diversity of acts of opposition across time and space in Europe’s most complex and symbolically loaded region.
The series is organised jointly by the Trinity Centre for Resistance Studies and the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies, together with the DU Eastern European Society and DU History Society. It draws on in-house, local and international expertise.
The series is part-funded by the TCD Faculty Events Fund (FAHSS).
Full programme of lecture series Understanding Resistance in Europe’s East:
1. The Birth of Resistance in Eastern Europe (Graeme Murdock, Trinity College Dublin) - Thursday, 30 January 6.00-7.30 pm, J.M. Synge Theatre
2. Networked citizen resistance practices as forms of epistemic agency: Ukrainian responses to Russia's full-scale invasion (Tanya Lokot, Dublin City University) - Thursday, 6 February 6.00-7.30 pm, Robert Emmet Theatre
3. Cheating on Communism in Bulgaria: Socialist Realism and Resistance in Cinema, Literature and the Arts (Dimitar Kambourov, Trinity College Dublin) - Thursday, 13 February 6.00-7.30 pm, Robert Emmet Theatre - NOTE: SPEAKER CHANGE DUE TO ILLNESS
4. Strategies of Resistance in Communist Czechoslovakia (Jana Fischerová Trinity College Dublin) - 20 February 6.00-7.30 pm, Robert Emmet Theatre
5. The Polish Round Table: in 'defence of politics' that delivered - (Jacqueline Hayden, Trinity College Dublin) – Thursday, 27 February 6.00-7.30 pm, Robert Emmet Theatre
6. Cultural Opposition and Underground Music in (Post-)Communist Hungary (Balázs Apor, Trinity College Dublin) – Thursday, 13 March 6.00-7.30 pm, J.M. Synge Theatre
7. Soviet Dissidents of the early 1980s – A Personal Memoir (Conor Daly, Trinity College Dublin) – Thursday, 20 March 6.00-7.30 pm, Robert Emmet Theatre
8. Performance of Non-Belonging: Artistic Performance by Polish Women in the Context of Protest, 1980-2020 (Krzysztof Rowiński, Trinity College Dublin) – Thursday, 27 March 6.00-7.30 pm, Robert Emmet Theatre
9. Counterpublics of the Common. Early "Solidarność", Women's Strike and the queer mobilizations. (Ewa Majewska, SWPS University, Warsaw) – Thursday, 3 April 6.00-7.30 pm, Robert Emmet Theatre
10. Resistance in Europe’s East: Legacies of the Past and Prospects for the Future (Roundtable discussion) – Thursday, 10 April 6.00-7.30 pm, Robert Emmet Theatre.
For further details on each lecture, please see individual event listings by date in the Agenda section (below)
For more information please contact Balázs Apor (aporb@tcd.ie)
Frequently asked questions
No, the lectures are intended as in-person events. However, if lecturers agree, the lectures will be recorded and links to the recordings will be made available later.