Welcoming All, Growing Together
The charter is your blueprint for building strong, successful partnerships between volunteer involving organisations and volunteers! The Volunteer Charter is a two-way guide, designed with care to clarify what both sides can expect when a volunteer steps into a volunteer involving organisation.
By embracing The Volunteer Charter, you're laying the groundwork for meaningful, impactful collaboration. It’s not just about setting expectations—it’s about fostering trust, clarity, and mutual respect. When we all commit to following this Charter, we create a foundation that enhances the quality of every volunteering experience, making it more rewarding for everyone involved. Let’s work together to make volunteering a truly inspiring journey!
Join our Discovery Session and learn how your organisation can become a signatory.
Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration Professional Development
Attending this learning opportunity with Volunteer Ireland can be applied towards hours required for professional development requirements for initial CVA (Certified Volunteer Administrator) certification or CVA Renewal.
CVA Certification is the only internationally recognised credential is the field of Volunteer Administration. If you require proof of the number of hours you engaged in professional development please contact Volunteer Ireland. CCVA will not have proof of your attendance at events they haven’t organised. To learn more, visit www.cvacert.org