The story of the Malahide water supply controversy

The story of the Malahide water supply controversy

Declan Brady examines the controversial story behind the water supply in Malahide and what it reveals about local government and politics.

Date and time

Saturday, October 5 · 10 - 11am GMT+1


Carnegie Library, Swords

North Street Swords Ireland

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Who should pay for the Water: the story of the Malahide Water Supply Controversy

Research on local government records in Fingal for the period 1870-1910 repeatedly highlighted issues with the water supply in Malahide. This ongoing issue is a case study of how nationalists gained and utilised local political control through the local government institutions that were available to them. The nature of the issues and how they were resolved illustrates how local government and politics operated at the time.

Dr Declan Brady is a research historian, educator and professional genealogist. He completed his PhD, "The Evolution of Local Politics in North County Dublin, 1870-1948", at Maynooth University, where he now teaches.

This talk forms part of the 'History in the Library' day at the Fingal Festival of History. Four talks will take place over one day in the Carnegie Library in Swords. To book the other talks taking place that day, use the links below:

11.30am – 12.30pm Cathal Dowd-Smith ‘Dismissed - to the general joy of ye family’ - assembling a narrative of servant life in the country house in Fingal

2pm – 3pm Frank Whearity 'Aspects of the history of Kenure house & estate (Kenure Park), Rush, Co. Dublin: & the people who lived there (c.1652-1978)

3.15pm – 4.15pm Daniel Eglington-Carey Ancient Pile Undergoes Improvement: a period of change for Howth Castle at the opening of the 20th century’.

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