The misconstrued woman:  A research and documentary film launch.
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The misconstrued woman: A research and documentary film launch.

The School of Social Work and Social Policy is proud to host the launch of The Misconstrued Woman, an arts based research project.

By Joe Whelan: School of Social Work and Social Policy

Date and time

Wednesday, March 26 · 6 - 8pm GMT


TCD Arts Building: Robert Emmett Theatre

College Green Dublin Ireland

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

The School of Social Work and Social Policy is proud to host the launch of The Misconstrued Woman, a research project conducted by Laidlaw Scholar and BSS student, Frøya Mostue-Thomas under the supervision of Dr Joe Whelan. The launch event will include a display of the collages made by the research participants, an overview of the research and the premier of a documentary film that viscerally explores lived experiences of women's homelessness. The film serves as a visceral reflection of a qualitative, arts-based study conducted on the lived experiences of women encountering homelessness in Dublin, Ireland. With an aim of promoting epistemic justice for a demographic that is seldom provided a platform, the event will consist of introductory speakers, the film screening as well as a panel discussion that will delve deeper into the issues the film and study addresses.

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