Luke Kelly - The legend Of, Performed by Chris Kavanagh & The PatriotsLuke Kelly - The legend Of, Performed by Chris Kavanagh & The PatriotsFri, Mar 14, 20:30The Chambers Bar • Mullingar€22.42Save Luke Kelly - The legend Of, Performed by Chris Kavanagh & The Patriots to your collection.Share Luke Kelly - The legend Of, Performed by Chris Kavanagh & The Patriots with your friends.
Introduction to Dry Stone Wall Construction WeekendIntroduction to Dry Stone Wall Construction WeekendSat, Mar 22, 09:30Mount Dalton • Mount Dalton€108.23Save Introduction to Dry Stone Wall Construction Weekend to your collection.Share Introduction to Dry Stone Wall Construction Weekend with your friends.
David O'DohertyDavid O'DohertySat, Apr 12, 20:30The Venue Athlone • Athlone€25.59Save David O'Doherty to your collection.Share David O'Doherty with your friends.
Yukine Kuroki Piano Concert at Tullynally CastleYukine Kuroki Piano Concert at Tullynally CastleSat, Mar 15, 19:00Tullynally Castle€12 - €35Save Yukine Kuroki Piano Concert at Tullynally Castle to your collection.Share Yukine Kuroki Piano Concert at Tullynally Castle with your friends.
“The Snapper” by Roddy Doyle“The Snapper” by Roddy DoyleTomorrow at 20:00CMWS Hall Kildare • Kildare€17.07Save “The Snapper” by Roddy Doyle to your collection.Share “The Snapper” by Roddy Doyle with your friends.
Stop It Nurse by Sam Cree (Saturday 5th April 2025)Stop It Nurse by Sam Cree (Saturday 5th April 2025)Sat, Apr 5, 20:00N39 Y932 • Ballinalee€15Save Stop It Nurse by Sam Cree (Saturday 5th April 2025) to your collection.Share Stop It Nurse by Sam Cree (Saturday 5th April 2025) with your friends.
Stop It Nurse by Sam Cree (Sunday 6th April 2025)Stop It Nurse by Sam Cree (Sunday 6th April 2025)Sun, Apr 6, 19:00N39 Y932 • Ballinalee€15Save Stop It Nurse by Sam Cree (Sunday 6th April 2025) to your collection.Share Stop It Nurse by Sam Cree (Sunday 6th April 2025) with your friends.
GRAHAM HOPKINS - DRUM HANG @ Square Coffee, Kildare Town *APRIL 10th*GRAHAM HOPKINS - DRUM HANG @ Square Coffee, Kildare Town *APRIL 10th*Thu, Apr 10, 19:00Square - Speciality Coffee Bar - Kildare • Kildare€17.07Save GRAHAM HOPKINS - DRUM HANG @ Square Coffee, Kildare Town *APRIL 10th* to your collection.Share GRAHAM HOPKINS - DRUM HANG @ Square Coffee, Kildare Town *APRIL 10th* with your friends.