As part of its ongoing program of activity, The Housing Commission, through the Regulation of Rented Housing and Quality Working Group, has organised a 1-day information event to discuss Tenant Unions and Tenant Engagement.
Established Tenant Union bodies in Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands have been invited to share their experiences and knowledge of Tenant Unions in Europe. This will be complemented by presentations and discussion from tenant and resident organisations in Ireland. The objective is to develop activity from which a tenant voice might emerge.
Speaking at this event will be;
John O’Connor (Chair Housing Commission), Anne Vita (Chief Executive, Finnish Union of Tenants), Erik Elmgren (Managing Director, Swedish Union of Tenants), Marie Linder (Chair, Swedish Union of Tenants), Zeno Winkels (CEO the Woonbond, Dutch Union of Tenants), Cecilia Forrestal (Community Action Network), Ann-Marie O’Reilly (Threshold), Alison O’Gorman (Tuath Housing).
Please Note: This is a closed event and registration is open to invitees only. We are limited for space at the venue and there is a waitlist to attend. If you find you cannot attend after registering please notify us so that we can offer your place to someone on the waitlist.
Event Registration: 10:30 – 11:00 (refreshments provided)
Welcome & Introduction: 11:00
Session1: Tenant Unions 11:10 – 12:50
Lunch: 12:50 – 13:30 (lunch provided)
Session 2: Tenant Engagement 13:30 – 14:45
Concluding Remarks: 14:45 – 15:00