Recognising & Responding to Impacts of Domestic Abuse on Women and Children
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Recognising & Responding to Impacts of Domestic Abuse on Women and Children

This two x half day online Training programme is focused on understanding the impacts of domestic abuse on women and their children

By Women's Aid Training

Date and time

Thu, 20 Mar 2025 03:00 - Thu, 27 Mar 2025 06:00 PDT



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About this event

  • Event lasts 7 days 3 hours

A bout this training

Date: Thursday, 20th March and Thursday, 27th March 2025

Time: 10am to 1pm, both days.

Women’s Aid's two x half day Online Training programme is focused on understanding how women and their children are impacted by experiences of domestic abuse. This training will be of particular interest to professionals who in any capacity support and provide services to children and families. Training is delivered on Zoom. Each participant must have access to a private space, a good internet connection, a computer, or another device to take part in the training.

N.B. Please note that session 1 of this training covers the same content as the Recognising & responding to the impacts of domestic abuse on women (half day online training). When deciding which training to opt for please choose either; half day Recognising & responding to the impacts of domestic abuse on women or the two half day Recognising & Responding to the impacts of domestic abuse on women and children.

C ost: This two x half day training is €190 per person. Please note that we can only accommodate three people from one organisation in one training, if you have more than 3 people please contact the Training Administrator by email:

What will I gain from this training?

As domestic abuse affects 1 in 4 women in Ireland, anyone working with women can encounter domestic abuse through their work. The responses victims/survivors receive when seeking initial support from any service, including in the workplace, can have a major impact on their safety and well-being, and that of their children. This training will give you the foundational knowledge to appropriately recognise domestic abuse and to respond to women.

Day one training focuses on:

Recognising domestic abuse:

  • Gaining knowledge about the dynamics of domestic abuse Increase understanding of the forms and tactics of coercive control used by the perpetrator and the intention behind them.
  • Understanding the impacts on the victim/survivor and their coping mechanisms.
  • Recognising indicators that may alert us a woman is experiencing domestic abuse.

Responding to survivors:

  • Learning victim-centred principles which should guide your response.
  • Understanding the barriers facing victim/survivors in seeking and accessing support.
  • Learning how to safely support a disclosure.

Referring to specialist domestic violence services:

  • Increasing knowledge about referral options to specialist domestic abuse services and what they can offer.

Day two training focuses on:

Recognising and responding to the impacts of domestic abuse on children and their mothers.

Children are sometimes viewed as peripheral to or merely as witnesses to the abuse of a parent. The reality is that children are centrally situated in families where a parent, usually their father or father figure, is coercively controlling and violent towards their mother. This training provides foundational knowledge on how the perpetrator’s pattern of behaviour impacts on children and on how to collaborate with the non-abusive parent in the best interest of children.

Participants will learn:

How the perpetrator’s pattern of behaviour impacts on the child:

  • Gaining knowledge about how perpetrators’ patterns of behaviour impacts on children’s safety, well-being and daily life.
  • Gaining knowledge about children’s experience of post separation abuse and coercive control.

The impact of the abusers’ behaviour on women as mothers:

  • Gaining knowledge of how perpetrators’ pattern of behaviour impacts on women as mothers.
  • Understanding the ways in which the adult survivor continues to mother through domestic abuse.

Why collaborating with the non-abusive parent in the best interests of the child:

  • Increasing awareness of principles underpinning child centred responses to experiences of domestic abuse.
  • Increasing knowledge about building partnerships with non-abusive parents that maximise the safety and well-being of children.

Important: Please note that the training may not be suitable for anyone currently experiencing, or who has recently experienced, domestic violence as the material may be distressing. If you have any questions or concerns about participating in the training, please feel free to contact us.

The training is designed to upskill those supporting women experiencing domestic violence. If you are a woman experiencing domestic violence, or if you are concerned on behalf of someone else, please contact Women’s Aid 24hr National Freephone Helpline on 1800 341 900 or visit

Women’s Aid is supported by the Scheme to Support National Organisations which is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Rural & Community Development.

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