PPI UCD Symposium

PPI UCD Symposium

Join us for our second Public and Patient Involvement in Research Symposium in UCD. A half day event focusing on all things PPI.

Date and time

Thursday, October 17 · 9:30am - 1:30pm GMT+1


University College Dublin

University College Dublin Belfield Ireland

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours

The UCD PPI Symposium is open to all. This half day event has three key sessions.


Session one features speakers from UCD highlighting the variety and diversity of PPI in research happening across the university.

Advancing PPI

This session's main presentation highlights ppi/patient-led research.

There will also be an update from the PPI Ignite Network @ UCD on embedding PPI into research education.

PPI and Commercially sensitive research

When research has commercial potential, how can PPI be fully embedded in an equitable way? Join our international panel of industry, academic and PPI contributors who have direct experience in this area.

This event is being held as part of the National PPI Festival. PPI Ignite Network @ UCD are funded by UCD, the Health Research Board and the Irish Research Council.

Frequently asked questions

Is the venue wheelchair accessible


Is there blue badge/wheelchair parking available?

Yes. UCD has more than 100 disability parking spaces across campus. Blue badge holders can park free of charge in any of these spaces.

Can people outside of UCD attend?

Yes, the event is open to all.

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