Peregrinaje / World Fusion ⚿

Peregrinaje / World Fusion ⚿

Balkanški ritmi z afriško dinamiko, grško globino in latino toplino – za vse, ki uživate v raziskovanju zvokov sveta.

By Prulček / Zavod Prule

Date and time

Saturday, April 12 · 8 - 11pm CEST


Prulček - live music venue

2 Prijateljeva ulica 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

Kaj se zgodi, ko balkanški ritmi prepletejo afriško energijo, grško melanholijo in pridih latinameriškega temperamenta? Nastane glasba, ki ne sledi pravilom, ampak odpira nove svetove. Peregrinaje je večer, kjer se svetovne tradicije srečajo v prepletanju zvokov, zgodb in improvizacije.

Na odru Prulčka bo Jairo Enrique Benitez Habib, kitarist, producent, glasbenik in raziskovalec, ki je svojo glasbo ustvarjal med potovanji po več kot 60 državah – od Armenije do Gruzije, od Turčije do Makedonije. Njegove skladbe so kot razglednice iz krajev, kjer so nastale. Tokrat se mu bodo pridružili izjemni slovenski glasbeniki, ki bodo s svojo energijo obogatili ta mednarodni glasbeni dialog.

Del večera bo tudi vizualni vpogled – videoposnetki etnološkega dokumentarca, ki razkrivajo kulturne pokrajine in glasbene trenutke, ki so oblikovali to glasbo.


  • Jairo Enrique Benitez Habib – kitara
  • Aleksander Kosmic – kitara, kala
  • TBA – tolkala
  • Special guest: Zoran Mošič – saksofon

Vstopnina/Entrance: 10 €


What happens when Balkan rhythms intertwine with African energy, Greek melancholy, and a touch of Latin American flair? You get music that defies convention and explores new horizons. Peregrinaje is an evening where global traditions meet in a dynamic interplay of sounds, stories, and improvisation.

Taking the stage at Prulček is Jairo Enrique Benitez Habib, a guitarist, producer, musician, and explorer who has created his music while traveling through more than 60 countries – from Armenia to Georgia, from Turkey to Macedonia. His compositions are like postcards from the places where they were born. Joining him on stage will be exceptional Slovenian musicians, bringing their unique energy to enrich this international musical dialogue.

The evening will also include a visual journey – video excerpts from an ethnological documentary showcasing the cultural landscapes and musical moments that inspired this music.


  • Jairo Enrique Benitez Habib – guitar
  • Aleksander Kosmic – guitar, kala
  • TBA – percussion
  • Special guest: Zoran Mošič – saxophone

Organized by

The power of music is undeniable. It can be used to bring people together, to heal broken hearts, or even change the world.

€0 – €11.88