Bliss Quintet / JazzBliss Quintet / JazzMon, May 5, 20:00Prulček - live music venue • LjubljanaSave Bliss Quintet / Jazz to your collection.Share Bliss Quintet / Jazz with your friends.
Vita Kobal in Ivo Švigelj duo / Jazz-folk fusionVita Kobal in Ivo Švigelj duo / Jazz-folk fusionSat, Mar 29, 20:00Prulček - live music venue • LjubljanaSave Vita Kobal in Ivo Švigelj duo / Jazz-folk fusion to your collection.Share Vita Kobal in Ivo Švigelj duo / Jazz-folk fusion with your friends.
Roundabout / JazzRoundabout / JazzFri, May 23, 20:30Prulček - live music venue • LjubljanaSave Roundabout / Jazz to your collection.Share Roundabout / Jazz with your friends.
The Hawks Triad / Jazz-RockThe Hawks Triad / Jazz-RockTue, Apr 29, 20:00Prulček - live music venue • LjubljanaSave The Hawks Triad / Jazz-Rock to your collection.Share The Hawks Triad / Jazz-Rock with your friends.
LAUGH NOW WINE LATER Comedy NightLAUGH NOW WINE LATER Comedy NightToday at 19:00S.L. Wine Bar • Lansing, ILUS$10Save LAUGH NOW WINE LATER Comedy Night to your collection.Share LAUGH NOW WINE LATER Comedy Night with your friends.
VISOKA UČINKOVITOSTVISOKA UČINKOVITOSTTue, Mar 25, 17:00Kovačnica - podjetniški inkubator Kranj • KranjFreeSave VISOKA UČINKOVITOST to your collection.Share VISOKA UČINKOVITOST with your friends.
POSPEŠEK ZA RAST IN RAZVOJPOSPEŠEK ZA RAST IN RAZVOJWed, Mar 19, 09:00Kovačnica - podjetniški inkubator Kranj • KranjFreeSave POSPEŠEK ZA RAST IN RAZVOJ to your collection.Share POSPEŠEK ZA RAST IN RAZVOJ with your friends.