Munay Ki Rites- 1 to 10 and 13th Rites will be transferred

Munay Ki Rites- 1 to 10 and 13th Rites will be transferred

The Munay Ki rites The Munay Ki rites, sometimes called the ‘rites of the shaman’s path’ are made up of ten initiations.

Select date and time

Sat, 28 Sep 2024 10:00 - 17:00 GMT+1


Bindu Malhotra

17 The Drive D15 A89W Hansfieldwood Ireland

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About this event

  • Event lasts 7 hours

Please read important information in the end.

The Munay Ki rites

The Munay Ki rites, sometimes called the ‘rites of the shaman’s path’ are made up of ten initiations that are from a mix of traditions, they are not only Q’ero. The Munay Ki are a blessing to help us to free ourselves from the mis-creations of our past, healing our ancestral and genetic lineage and our karmic ties that do not serve our higher selves.

The rites are given as energetic transmissions that are common to many shamanic traditions even though they are passed on in different forms and styles in different cultures. They are a step by step process for healing the wounds of the past, from our own personal past and that of our ancestors. They clear the genetic and karmic inheritance that we were born with into this life from the ancestral lines and the path of the soul.

They help us into becoming an ‘Earthkeeper’, a person of divine power and wisdom who has accepted the stewardship for all creation. They are an invitation into who we are becoming 10,000 years from now.

Many people have received a calling from Spirit, and long to make a difference in the world and in your own life. When you come into the path of the earthkeepers with sincere intention and an open heart, you’ll soon notice that you are not alone. You will find yourself in the company of like minded people who strive to live by ethics and vision. And you will find yourself in the company of earthkeepers who lived on this planet many thousands of years ago, luminous beings who are now part of the great matrix of life. These earthkeepers will add their power and vision to yours.

As you experience the Munay-Ki, you will feel the presence and sense the wisdom of these luminous ones who have broken out of linear time and now dwell in sacred time, in infinity, free from the grip of karma and rebirth. The Munay-Ki will clear your luminous energy field of the psychic sludge left by past traumas. As you raise your level of vibration, these luminous beings will come to you and guide you. Connect with them and you will be able to recall stories that you never experienced directly but are now yours. You’ll remember sitting around fires with the buffalo behind you and meditating in a stone temple above the snow line for example.

Since the earthkeepers come from the future as well, they actually help us to access who we are becoming as human beings 10,000 years from now. The memories from the past are available to these Earth keepers who tap into that vast reservoir of knowledge that exists outside of time. The visions of the future come as possibilities because everything in the future is still in potential form.

That’s why the earthkeepers from the Hopi, the Maya, the Inka, and many other nations gather together regularly to pray for peace on earth. They do so by tracking along the possible futures for the planet to find one in which the rivers and the air are clean and people live in harmony with each other and nature. The act of finding this desirable future installs it into our collective destiny and makes it a little more probable than it was before because it has acquired another quanta of energy from these earthkeepers.

When we connect with these earthkeepers the wisdom from their stories becomes us. We receive their learning through our intuition. When we partner with the earthkeepers from the future we make available to ourselves knowledge that can upgrade the quality of our DNA. This runs contrary to scientific knowledge that says that our genes can only be informed of the past, by the gifts and illnesses our ancestors had. They understand that when you are free from the bounds of time the future can reach backwards and like a giant hand and pull you forward. You can be influenced by who you are becoming!

As you receive the Munay-Ki your chakras will clear and you will acquire the ‘Rainbow Body’. This is when your chakras glow with their original radiance. Remember that each of the chakras has a colour and when they shine with their original light they emit the colours of the rainbow, with brighter vibrations now that at least 15 chakras are being anchored into the body with the original 7 moving out down through the feet since 2014. When these chakras or energy centres are dulled by trauma from this and from previous lifetimes our LEF (Luminous Energy Field) acquires a greyish hue and our chakras become pools of psychic sludge.

Once we acquire a rainbow body the luminous earthkeepers can reach out to us because they recognise that we share a common vision and calling. When this happens and if you have developed the ability to see the invisible world, you can discern the former physical forms of these luminous ones. Sometimes you will be able to perceive their thoughts and feelings. And you will have access to their wisdom and stories. Eventually as you experience the 7 th , to 10 th initiations you can download a new and better version of the software that informs the LEF which will then inform your DNA giving it instructions on how to create a new body that will age, heal and die differently.

There’s nothing you need to do to attract these luminous earthkeepers, they will come to you when you invite them to do so and when you are ready to receive them. When the student is ready the Master appears. They will not disturb you in any way but they are available to support you in your efforts to bring a bit more light and healing into the world. They are also there to protect you from the negativity and the fearful energies in the world today.


The Munay-Ki are sometimes called the rites of the shamans path.

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak of a new human being appearing on the planet – one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki help bring in these codes for the new human, the luminous ones who have transcended fear and this earth’s lower vibration allowing for the dawning of a New Day as prophesized by the ancient cultures. The most recent rites are the Creator rite and Soul Star rite. The Creator rite was given for the first time in the holy mountains of the Andes in 2006 and the Soul Star rite in Galway Ireland in 2009. This last rite was channelled after the initiate. Natalie Arkins, had spent time in the Holy mountains in Peru and channelled. Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. The rite was then given as a transmission when she returned back to Ireland.

These rites are a step in the evolution of humanity, to realign, and attune our neuropathways and truly shift human consciousness. These initiatory rites, in essence empower us to step up to the task of assuming stewardship for the earth and all creation. Once you have received all rites (providing you have finished your 16 weeks meditations of the Harmony rites) it is asked that you pass them onto others. According to the prophecy we will then witness the birth of a new form of human on the planet and the dawn of a new civilisation. We are the ones we have been waiting for.


The ten rites are the initiations that we go through as we transit from the body of humans to the body of angels. This transition helps us to develop new architecture in our luminous energy field anchoring each of the critical junctures in the process of becoming Homo luminous. In giving the rites the lineage of the luminous beings jumps from the forehead of the giver to the forehead of the receiver through physical contact. These luminous beings are free from the earth’s lower vibration, free from linear time and space, they bring wisdom and help us to raise our own vibrations contributing to the rising of human consciousness at this important time on earth.

Through the Munay Ki rites:

** The chakras (energy centres in the body) are cleared

** Protection is provided from the harmful energies on earth

**A greater connection is made to the luminous beings

**A greater connection is made to the archetypes (beings and animals of Light that are linked to the shamanic traditions and each chakra)

** Wisdom and divine power open up

** Genetic and karmic patterns that do not serve our higher selves are released and healed

** The rites anchor each of the critical junctures in the process of becoming Homo luminous as we transit from the human body into the angelic body.

Following initiation of the harmony rite a 16 week meditation period with the archetypes from each chakra is required before the initiate is able to transmit the rites to another. The archetypes are beings and animals that look after the directions of the shamanic wheel and the energy centres of each chakra. For the meditations, often the archetypes will come to you when you are ready rather than you deciding! 2 weeks meditation as a minimum is required for each archetype.

The ten rites are broken up into three categories:

1. Foundation Rites

2. Lineage Rites

3. Rites to Come


1. The Healers Rite

2. Bands of Power. Please note we recommend the Hatun Karpay belts of power with Barbara Hess Medicine Woman. It unifies these energies and takes the transmission to another level. The Hatun Karpay is not part of the Munay Ki, they are different.

3. Harmony Rite

4. Seer’s Rite


1. Day Keepers Rite

2. Wisdom Keepers Rite

3. Earth Keepers Rite


1. Star Keepers Rite

2. Creator Rite

3. Soul Star Rite

In addition to the above 10 Rites, I will also transfer 13th Rite called The Womb Rite.


For all the rites you will open the wiracocha of the person and of yourself before

giving the rite. Wiracocha means metaphysical God. The eighth chakra connects

you to God. Wiracocha was one of the most important dieties to the Incas.

Wiracocha was seen as the Creator of all things, the universe, the sun, the

storms and stars and was intimately associated with the sea 1 .

The wiracocha of a person is found above their head at the golden sun chakra

(the place where the fingers reach when the arms are up straight above the person) and when this is opened the person is in a sacred space. It is sometimes

called the soul star chakra.

According to local myth in the Sacred Valley in Peru, a representation of the

messenger of Wiracocha (the Creator of civilization) called Wiracochan or

Tunupa is shown in Ollantaytambo in Southern Peru 1 .

Important Information:

Course is divided in 2 weekends (Saturday and Sunday 10am to 6pm)

5 rites be given in 1 weekend and 6 Rites in next weekend.

Saatvik Lunch will be served (Vegetarian food made in spritual conciousness with out onions and garlic)

No prerequistes required any one can join.

Cost of course

Course fees is 250 Euro for each weekend.

Total for 2 weekend 500 Euro

Special Discount of 50 euro be given if paid in 1st weekend in cash.

To book a place you can choose any below options

Message Bindu @ 089 247 2573

Take 25 euro booking ticket here.

Revolut @089 247 2573

Looking forward to meet you healer divine soul in person.

Namaste with Love and light

Bindu Malhotra

Organised by