Moldova Global Connect: Professional & Business Networking
- Ages 18+
Join Moldova Global Connect to network with Moldovan diaspora professionals & entrepreneurs in Ireland. Expand, connect, and grow!
Date and time
European Commission Representation in Ireland
12-14 Mount Street Lower D02 W710 Dublin 2 IrelandAgenda
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Registration & Welcome Coffee
2:00 PM - 2:05 PM
Opening Remarks
Marina Profir, Founder of Moldova Global Connect
Aliona Russu, Counsellor, Embassy of Moldova to Irela
2:05 PM - 3:00 PM
Keynote:The Power of Networking and Role of Diaspora in Economic Development
Kingsley Aikins, Founder, The Networking Institute
3:00 PM - 3:10 PM
Coffee & Networking Break
3:10 PM - 3:15 PM
Welcome Address
Larisa Miculet, Ambassador, Embassy of Moldova
3:15 PM - 4:10 PM
From Vision to Success: Challenges & Opportunities for Moldovan Entrepreneurs
Lilia Tarlev, Founder, Expert Windows
Anastasia Negru, Founder, MarginsAi & TU Dublin Lecturer
Diana Malcoci, Founder, Health Nutrition
Corina Popov, Founder, Digitax
4:10 PM - 5:05 PM
Shaping Success – Strategies for Professional Growth in a Global Landscape
Tudor Cojocariu, Learning Senior Consultant, LinkedIn
Maria Iaconi, AMO Manager, Bank of Ireland
Corneliu Inje, Program Lead, Meta/Facebook
Dorin Fazli, Diplomacy & Tech, Salesforce
5:05 PM - 5:25 PM
Future Initiatives
Aliona Russu, Counsellor, Embassy of Moldova
5:25 PM - 5:45 PM
Final Networking & Wrap-up
About this event
- Event lasts 3 hours 30 minutes
- Ages 18+
- No venue parking
Welcome to Moldova Global Connect Forum: Networking Event for the Moldovan Diaspora in Ireland! Join us for an exciting opportunity to connect with professionals and entrepreneurs from the Moldovan diaspora in Ireland. Expand your network, exchange ideas, and build valuable relationships within the local Moldovan community. This in-person event takes place on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 14:00 GMT at the European Commission Representation in Ireland. Don’t miss this chance to strengthen ties, explore collaborations, and grow your career or business.
N.B. The first part of the event will be held in English and the second part, from 3:15 PM, in Romanian.
RO version:
Bun venit la Moldova Global Connect Forum: Un Eveniment de Networking pentru Diaspora Moldovenească din Irlanda! Alătură-te nouă pentru o oportunitate extraordinară de a te conecta cu profesioniști și antreprenori din diaspora moldovenească din Irlanda. Extinde-ți rețeaua, schimbă idei și creează relații valoroase în cadrul comunității moldovenești locale. Acest eveniment fizic va avea loc pe joi, 20 martie 2025, la ora 14:00 GMT, la Reprezentanța Comisiei Europene în Irlanda. Nu rata această ocazie de a consolida legături, de a explora colaborări și de a-ți dezvolta cariera sau afacerea.
N.B. Prima parte a evenimentului se va desfășura in engleza iar a doua parte, de la 15:15, in romana