Grab a cuppa and join your fellow Leaders of Volunteers for our monthly digital give-and-get.
Join the team at Volunteer Ireland when we take a coffee break and informally chat about all things volunteering. Please note that these small groups will be participant-led, so please come prepared to share and ask questions about volunteer engagement and management in a safe space.
Who is this Coffee, Chat and Connect for?
This online event is aimed at all Leaders of Volunteers / Volunteer Managers / Coordinators (paid and unpaid, from Ireland and overseas) who engage volunteers in their organisations.
When do the Leaders of Volunteers Coffee, Chat and Connect sessions take place?
The sessions last one hour and take place at 11:00 Irish time on the first Friday of the month
Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration Professional Development
Attending this learning opportunity with Volunteer Ireland can be applied towards hours required for professional development requirements for initial CVA (Certified Volunteer Administrator) certification or CVA Renewal.
CVA Certification is the only internationally recognised credential is the field of Volunteer Administration. If you require proof of the number of hours you engaged in professional development please contact Volunteer Ireland. CCVA will not have proof of your attendance at events they haven’t organised. To learn more visit
Facilitated by the Learning and Capacity Building Team in Volunteer Ireland
Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration Professional Development
Attending this learning opportunity with Volunteer Ireland can be applied towards hours required for professional development requirements for initial CVA (Certified Volunteer Administrator) certification or CVA Renewal.
CVA Certification is the only internationally recognised credential is the field of Volunteer Administration. If you require proof of the number of hours you engaged in professional development please contact Volunteer Ireland. CCVA will not have proof of your attendance at events they haven’t organised. To learn more, visit