Small Church & Paddy MulcahySmall Church & Paddy MulcahySat, Mar 29, 20:00Record Room • Limerick€13.85Save Small Church & Paddy Mulcahy to your collection.Share Small Church & Paddy Mulcahy with your friends.
Coldplay by Candlelight (Limerick)Coldplay by Candlelight (Limerick)Sat, Apr 5, 20:00Limerick Strand Hotel • Limerick€30.94Save Coldplay by Candlelight (Limerick) to your collection.Share Coldplay by Candlelight (Limerick) with your friends.
Chief Keegan - The Commercial, LimerickChief Keegan - The Commercial, LimerickThu, May 8, 19:00The Commercial • Limerick€17.07Save Chief Keegan - The Commercial, Limerick to your collection.Share Chief Keegan - The Commercial, Limerick with your friends.
Buí @ Pharmacia, LimerickBuí @ Pharmacia, LimerickSat, Mar 29, 21:00Pharmacia • Limerick€10Save Buí @ Pharmacia, Limerick to your collection.Share Buí @ Pharmacia, Limerick with your friends.
Swiftogeddon - The Taylor Themed Club Night - LimerickSwiftogeddon - The Taylor Themed Club Night - LimerickFri, May 30, 22:00Dolan's Pub and Restaurant • Limerick£8.82 - £11.02Save Swiftogeddon - The Taylor Themed Club Night - Limerick to your collection.Share Swiftogeddon - The Taylor Themed Club Night - Limerick with your friends.
Pagode em LimerickPagode em LimerickSat, Apr 12, 20:00Angel Lane • Limerick€13.85 - €18.13Save Pagode em Limerick to your collection.Share Pagode em Limerick with your friends.
Jill Jackson - Live at Belltable, LimerickJill Jackson - Live at Belltable, LimerickFri, Jun 6, 07:30Belltable • Limerick€22.42Save Jill Jackson - Live at Belltable, Limerick to your collection.Share Jill Jackson - Live at Belltable, Limerick with your friends.
Limerick Social Enterprise Regional EventLimerick Social Enterprise Regional EventWed, Mar 19, 10:00Dance Limerick • LimerickFreeSave Limerick Social Enterprise Regional Event to your collection.Share Limerick Social Enterprise Regional Event with your friends.
With Love LimerickWith Love LimerickWed, Apr 9, 10:00Mary Immaculate College G08 • LimerickFreeSave With Love Limerick to your collection.Share With Love Limerick with your friends.
Dawn Cycle with Limerick LadiesDawn Cycle with Limerick LadiesSat, May 10, 05:00University of Limerick • CastletroySave Dawn Cycle with Limerick Ladies to your collection.Share Dawn Cycle with Limerick Ladies with your friends.