Kids Camp

Kids Camp

POWER UP with us this Autumn for our first-ever CCI Kids Camp! We are spending three days and two nights at Ovoca Manor in Wicklow.

Date and time

Thu, 31 Oct 2024 10:00 - Sat, 2 Nov 2024 15:00 GMT


Ovoca Manor

Ovoca Manor Castlemacadam, Avoca Ireland

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 days 5 hours

It's Time to... POWER UP!

Our camp theme for 2024 is 'Power Up!' The last thing Jesus said to his disciples before he went to heaven was this: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth", Acts 1:8.

We believe and know that there is no 'jr.' Holy Spirit and that encountering God and living by the Spirit is for children too! He is able to give us POWER to live well through the Holy Spirit.

This is an application form for CHILDREN who will attend camp as CAMPERS (not adults!). TO BOOK IN YOUR CHILD, PLEASE GO THROUGH YOUR CHURCH'S KIDS WORKER. Questions? Email us at

Kids Camp is a 3-Day/2 night kids event that will be taking place at Ovoca Manor in Co. Wicklow. Children from all over our island will be gathering together to worship Jesus!

This FIRST EVER Kids Camp experience will be incredible, filled with engaging & energetic worship, inspirational and helpful talks, powerful times spent in prayer, fun outdoor activities and so much more!

It is our heart to see children come together and encounter God in a powerful way with their peers, build meaningful relationships, make special memories and leave camp passionate for God and for life. You do not want your child to miss this camp!

Tickets include accommodation, food, camp materials and insurance.

Camp is at Ovoca Manor. Food is catered by the Ovoca staff.

Thanks to a generous donation to help offset the cost for our campers, the cost for camp is only 120 Euro. We are excited to offer camp at this rate to make it available to as many as possible! This cost includes the following:

  • All Meals
  • Housing
  • All Activities
  • AV and Multimedia Equipment
  • Welcome Gifts
  • Camp T-Shirt
  • ...And A Few Surprises!

Note: If finances are still prohibitive for your family, please connect with your church's kids worker or email us directly. We do not want anyone to miss camp due to finances.

Frequently asked questions

What age must my child be to attend Kids Camp?

Children who are ages 8-12 at the time of camp are able to attend.

Can we sign up at the door?

No. We are unable to accept payment or paperwork at the door. All children must be registered and fully paid before the start of camp.

Does a leader need to attend with our group?

Yes! See "Ratios" question below.

What are the amenities (beds, toilets, showers) on site?

Children will be sharing dormitories with their church's group as space is available. Each child will be supplied with a mattress/camp bed, but they must bring their own pillows and bedding/sleeping bag (single). Each wing of the dormitory will have toilets and showers available.

How are the children looked after and cared for at Kids Camp?

Each child stays with leaders and children from their own church. Local church leaders oversee campers in all activities. If you are interested in having your child attend without other kids from your church, please email us at to see how we can pair you with another group.

Can I pay a deposit/ Is there a payment plan?

Payments are to be paid in full via the website link. Large church groups can pay via bank transfer, contact to enquire.

How do we get to camp?

Your church is responsible for transportation to and from the campground. Camp 'starts' when you meet at your local church and travel together to Kids Camp.

How will ratios work?

For every 6 children coming to camp from your church, you need 1 adult. Note that genders will be separated in this count. For example, if you are bringing 8 boys and 3 girls, you will need two male leader and one female leader to fit the ratio.

Organised by
