Interpreting in Situations of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre's launch of our handbook: Interpreting in Situations of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Date and time
About this event
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre invites you to the online launch of our handbook Interpreting in Situations of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, developed as part of the Justisigns 2 project.
The handbook and this webinar will be of interest to interpreters, service providers, state agencies, legislators and other stakeholders.
The webinar includes a panel discussion with experts in the field of interpreting and the provision of support to migrant, refugee and Deaf communities.
The Handbook will be available for download after the event.
The panellists for the event are:
Professor Lorraine Leeson
Professor in Deaf Studies, and Associate Vice Provost for EDI in Trinity College. Lorraine was a Principal Investigator for the Justisigns 2 project, which brought together her significant experience as an Irish Sign Language interpreter working with deaf victims/survivors of sexual violence, and her work as an interpreter educator and researcher.
Dr. Hassina Kiboua
Refugee Resettlement Officer & Training Coordinator in Irish Refugee Council. In addition to her direct work with refugees, she trains staff, organizations, and volunteers on resettlement, family reunification, and intercultural support. Hassina also manages a project focused on training interpreters and community support workers in best practices for interpretation and cultural mediation within the asylum process.
Ravind Jeawon MIACP
Psychotherapist, supervisor and founder of Talk Therapy Dublin. Ravind provides multiculturally responsive services to agencies like the International Organization for Migration (IOM), City of Dublin ETB, Tusla and Mosney Village.
Margaret O’Reilly Carroll, MA, BA, RGN., RM., RCN
Margaret is a qualified psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor, with a background in nursing, midwifery and nurse education. She helped to develop the National Rehabilitation Program for refugees and asylum seekers in Dublin, coordinating therapeutic services and
training for 15 years. She continues to deliver training on transcultural health care and supervisory practice.
Frequently asked questions
Professor Lorraine Leeson, Dr Hassina Kiboua, Ravind Jeawon MIACP and Margaret O'Reilly Carroll MA, BA, RGN, RM, RCN
No, this event is free to attend.
The handbook, Interpreting in Situations of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, will be free to download after the launch.