International Digital Health Summer School 2025

International Digital Health Summer School 2025

The third International Digital Health Summer School will be hosted at Maynooth University on May12th and 13th 2025

By Innovation Value Institute

Date and time

May 12 · 9am - May 13 · 12pm GMT+1


John Hume Building, North Campus, Maynooth University

John Hume Building Maynooth University Maynooth Ireland

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

Digital Health is emerging as a completely new discipline, one which combines intersecting disciplines of health, technology, engineering, economics, demographics and much more. While current health systems have served humanity very well yielding a more than doubling of life expectancy over the last two centuries, the systems are now facing a major crisis with full hospitals, a demographic timebomb and record clinician attrition. However one half of the world’s population don’t have access to affordable healthcare and the other half who do have access are increasingly finding it unaffordable. This global healthcare is facing a perfect storm and what Thomas Kuhn would call a Model Crisis.

Digital Health is emerging as a potential ‘silver bullet’ solution which can address critical issues such as accessibility, affordability, variability, quality and clinician work life balance. The cutting edge Digital Innovation Methodology ‘ Open Innovation 2.0’ and the Manhattan Manifesto Stay Left Shift Left 10X developed at the UN Science Summit Digital Health Symposium in New York in September 2022 will underpin the compelling frontier agenda of the third International Digital Health Summer School.

Using the #StayLeftShiftLeft-10X doctrine as the lens and canvas for the two day Summer school, the Summer school will focus on two key topics AI in Health and Data and Electronic Health Records. Come listen and interact with world leading thoughtleaders and practitioners in an intimate setting to help learn and co-create a new ‘win-win’ healthcare future for all. Two day attendees will receive a framed Innovation Value Institute parchment upon completion of the Summer School.
The focus of the Digital Health Summer School is education, exploration and exploitation:-

  • Education: To provide world leading digital health information to attendees
  • Exploration: To foster a high trust guided open collaborative ecosystem for digital health generating many options for explorative research and innovation
  • Exploitation: To provide and matchmake for opportunities of exploiting digital health solutions

The centrepiece of the Summer School will be a distinguished lecture from Lucy Nugent, CEO Childrens Hospital Ireland and President European Association of Hospital Managers. Apart from Education a key goal of the Summer School is to create an intellectual supercollider which accelerates the emergence of a directed Digital Health Open Collaborative Ecosystem.

Further details can be found here:

Speakers include

Professor Martin Curley, Professor of Innovation at Maynooth University and Digital Health Lead at IVI

Professor Eeva Leinonen, President of Maynooth University

Yeuk Fan, NG, Yishun Health Singapore

Prof Sean Gaine, Mater Hospital

Prof Michael Kerin, HSE and RCSI

Dr John Sheehan, Blackrock Health

Richard Jones, President C2-AI

Alex Wilkes, Presiden, Astra Zeneca Ireland

Maxine Radcliffe, HSE

Karen Kelly, CEO Heartpath

Patricia McAuliffe, Royal Hospital Donnybrook

Donal Morris, CEO,Redzinc

David Trevitt, Huawei Research

Andy Webber, Heart Sciences

Prof Patrizia Paterlini , CEO Rarecells

Richard Malone, HSE Digital Health Manager

Prof Mark Lawler queens university

James Loutitt author leading impacful teams

Frequently asked questions

Do you have any recommended accommodations?

Yes we do have several recommended accommodations. Attendees can apply the promotion code below to get the discount. 1. Glenroyal hotel: GA001635 2. Barberstown Castle 3. Maynooth Campus: Code: DHC_02/24

Organized by

About IVI

IVI is a multidisciplinary research institute focused on digital transformation and technology adoption based in Maynooth University.

Founded in 2006 in collaboration with Intel, we have a strong track record of industry collaboration, both locally and internationally.

We have demonstrated excellent dissemination capability including education and training, and have developed a close working relationship with Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland and other research centres.

On Sale Feb 1 at 12:00 AM