Himalayan Meditation Ireland I Galway
Learn to manage your thoughts using the simplest form of meditation. Meditate for maximum 30 minutes collectively with other pure souls.
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Ballybane Library
Castlepark Road Galway IrelandAbout this event
Organized by
We are planning a significant meditation event on May 6th, scheduled from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM. We will be having our Self Realised Master from India who will be teaching Meditation to all the participants who are attending the event. Complimentary dinner is also served post the event. Please join us in our discovery to listening to our soul. The event is completely cost FREE and we are doing this with the pure intention to take our steps towards Global Peace by developing Inner Peace.
Event Point Contact
Arpita Bhatt - +353899649654
Sachin - +35386777850
Sowparnika - +353834401327
Mahesh Pathak - +353894084584