From Root to Branch: Rethinking Our Relationship with Trees
We are delighted to invite you to the Irish Tree Explorers Network (ITEN) free end-of-project symposium which will be held on March 19th.
Date and time
Fota Wildlife Park
Fota Wildlife Park Carrigtwohill T45 CD93 Cork IrelandAgenda
10:00 AM
Symposium Programme and Schedule
About this event
- Event lasts 6 hours 30 minutes
The theme of the symposium is: ‘From Root to Branch: Rethinking Our Relationship with Trees’. It is widely recognised that trees are critical for the survival and development of humanity, not only through their role in the provision of clean air, food, shelter, medicine, wellbeing and climate resilience, but also in the way they influence cultural heritage and identity. Despite these many benefits, tree extinction is accelerating at an alarming rate, with far-reaching consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem stability. Whilst there are many underlying reasons for this current crisis, it has been identified that plant blindness, or what we term Human Imperception of Plants (HIP) - the inability to notice, recognize, or appreciate plants in everyday life - contributes significantly to inadequate plant conservation.
This symposium will feature papers from key speakers who will help us to rethink our relationship with trees from multiple perspectives. Drawing on insights from both STEM and culture, the symposium aims to consider ways in which we can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of trees so that we may better protect them. The symposium is open to a wide variety of approaches and will be of interest across disciplines and sectors. Speakers include: Darach Lupton (National Botanic Gardens of Ireland), Niall Farrelly (Teagasc), Susannah Chapman (UCC), Finola O'Kane (UCD), Sophia Meeres (UCD), Ray Ó Foghlú (HomeTree), Niamh Guiry (UCC), Mary Dillon (Burrenbeo), Rosari Kingston (UCC) and Sara Hourigan (Coillte).
For more information on speakers and their talks visit: Speakers and Abstracts | University College Cork
To view the full programme and schedule for the day, click on following link: Programme | University College Cork
ITEN, a Research Ireland-funded project based at University College Cork, and conducted in partnership with Coillte, Tree Council of Ireland and the Office of Public Works, aims to protect and celebrate trees by engaging the public with educational resources that explore the link between tree collections, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and culture.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, there are trains running from direct from Cork Kent station to Fota station every 15 minutes. The Fota tour train will be available to pick up attendees from Fota station at 9:15 AM and 9:45 AM. Alternatively, it is possible to walk (this takes about 15 minutes) from Fota station to the venue.
Yes, the venue and car park are wheel chair accessible
Yes, lunch and tea/coffee will be provided on the day.
Yes, but please notify us of your dietary requirements at least one week in advance of the event so that we can guarantee your needs will be met on the day.
Yes, free parking will be available on the day.