As part of launching my Mother and Baby Strength based exercise classes in Shankill, I am hosting a FREE exercise class and coffee morning to get to know the local mums and let them get to know one another. Babies and toddlers very welcome at this event and at the course.
This class is aimed at anyone who is pregnant and wants to keep movement as part of their pregnancy or anyone postnatal and wants get back moving after having their baby. And postnatal doesn't mean just the first few months. Our bodies are impacted by pregnancy & childbirth and is still recovering for at least 2 years. So if you are at this stage, or later and struggling with the symptoms of childbirth, then this course is for you too.
If you would like to join me for our Free Pre/Postnatal Execise and Coffee Morning, please register your interest by booking through this event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in tough with me through Instagram @rachelfarrellfitness or by emailing me on