ECCE Compliance
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ECCE Compliance

ECCE Compliance Workshop

Date and time

Tue, 12 Nov 2024 06:30 - 07:30 PST



About this event

ECCE Compliance Workshop

Aimed at ELC/SAC providers, managers and staff who have a responsibility to ensure adherence with ECCE programme rules and contract conditions, DCCC's workshop aims to support childcare services to become more confident with the compliance process and to reduce levels of non-compliance.

Workshop Objectives:

- Improve awareness of the current compliance process and individual programme checks carried out by Pobal

- Increase understanding of and familiarity with the compliance process, focusing on ECCE

- Minimise the risk of conflicting information on programme requirements and compliance checks

- Reduce levels of non-compliance going forward

Booking Criteria:

• This workshop has been prepared specifically for ELC & SAC providers. Priority will be given to services based within the Dublin City Childcare Committee catchment area (if this criteria does not apply to you, your booking may be cancelled)

• Booking is on a first come, first served basis

• Maximum of 2 people per service

Organised by

A limited company funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth (DCEDIY), Dublin City Childcare Committee is one of 30 City and County Childcare Committees operating nationally. 

We are the first point of contact for anyone seeking advice, information or support in relation to early childhood care and education within Dublin City. Our focus is to develop, support and enhance early childhood services through working proactively with early years providers, parents and related organisations. Our dedicated staff are available to answer queries related to the early years sector.


These events are exclusively for practitioners, providers and childminders working in the Dublin City Childcare Committee's catchment area.