Dublin Tattoo Adventure
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Dublin Tattoo Adventure

Take a tour around influential tattoo hot spots of Dublin, followed by testing your skills on a tattoo machine with some Guinness

Date and time

March 24 · 2pm - April 24 · 3:30pm GMT


The Ink Factory Tattoo & Piercing

19 Parliament Street D02 T952 Dublin 2 Ireland

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 4 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 31 days

The Dublin Tattoo Adventure

Come and join this unique exploration into the world of tattooing in Dublin! Over the course of 90 minutes, you’ll experience a personalised tour of essential, but often unknown, locations in the history of Irish tattooing. After a short trip around the sights, you’ll come back to our studio where you’ll get a hands on demonstration of tattooing, get a chance to experiment with your own designs with a real tattoo machine (on fake skin and fruit!) and take a load off by enjoying a social experience where there’ll be games and prizes along the way. Don’t miss this opportunity for a one of a kind immersion into tattooing and a distinct Irish spin on things!

Check out our website, Instagram and TikTok.

See you there!

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be over 18 to attend?

No! We invite everyone of all ages, however, there will be alcohol served at the event. A beverage can be swapped with a non-alcoholic drink or mineral/pop.

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