Children from Ukraine
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Children from Ukraine

This is your chance to meet children who for the last 3 years have lived under the threat of Russian terror, a chance to here their side

By Arthur Reynolds

Date and time

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 · 9am - 12pm GMT


Stephen's Green Club

9 Saint Stephen's Green D02 C891 Dublin Ireland

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9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Children from Ukraine

Have you an interest in Ukraine, have you an interest in how children in school volunteer to help those that have lost everything due to war come and talk to these personally and see how you can help...

About this event

Come and have breakfast and a look behind closed doors of the world famous private members club in the heart of Dublin, meet a group of young teenagers from Ukraine as they speak of how they volunteer to help their schoo, humanitarian centre and those who have lost their entire homes to the Russian invasion, meet the ambassador and questions and answers in a relaxed atmosphere and see how you personally can make a difference to children in Ukraine

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