BabyChi Mum & Baby Yoga

BabyChi Mum & Baby Yoga

Mum and Baby Yoga

By BabyChi Infant Massage & Yoga

Select date and time

Fri, 11 Apr 2025 10:00 - 12:00 GMT+1


Mahon Point Shopping Centre

Mahon Link Road T12 X7HK Cork Ireland

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

Baby Yoga is suitable for babies from 12weeks to precrawling.

This class is a lovely follow on from baby massage with the focus of the class being yoga stretches for baby, working on strengthening babies neck /core and legs in preparation for rolling/crawling/standing & sitting. Classes are fun and relaxed and there is also a portion of the class that focuses on relaxation /neck and shoulder loosening and pelvic floor for mum.

The class runs once a week for 5 weeks and lasts 2 hours and booking is essential as class sizes are limited.

Organised by

Learn to massage your baby in a relaxed environment , meet other parents and reap the benefits.

( sleep improvement, colic, wind etc)

These courses are suitable for babies from birth to pre crawling. Courses run for 5 weeks (1.5 hours each week) and cost €130 - up to €100 of which is refundable from vhi/Laya/Aviva/irish life etc if your policy covers baby massage.

I am registered with baby massage Ireland and IAMI

In Mahon Point SC Classes will be held in the community room located downstairs to the left of the lift near the stay and play crèche ( beside o Briens). Push through the double doors and follow the corridor around to the right.

Bring blanket for baby to lie on and I'll provide notes/massage mat and oil.

From €33.15