As part of the Institute's Italian Book Club, Francesca Marone's book ‘Le Pentite’ will be presented on Thursday 28 November.
‘Le Pentite’ is the story of two women, Federica and Maria, bound in their youth by a relationship of exploitation and dependence that saw them unwilling protagonists of a torrid love triangle. Years later, Federica learns the disturbing story of two eighteenth-century women, Albina and Elisa, who were locked up and tortured for the mere fact that they loved each other. Past and present converse in this novel that challenges prejudice and exalts the importance of love and solidarity between women, also giving us a significant piece of Naples' cultural and artistic history.
Francesca G. Marone is a writer, freelance editor, literary coach, sociologist, professional counsellor and family mediator and will be in Dublin on 28 November for a readers' meeting moderated by Enrica Ferrara.
A wine reception will follow.
Free booking on this page.