Ancient Pranayama (breathwork)  and sound bath Retreat
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Ancient Pranayama (breathwork) and sound bath Retreat

Ready to experience the real you and allow miracles, using Ancient techniques and sound therapy we will re set your life in a profound way !

Date and time

Sun, 27 Oct 2024 12:00 - 16:00 GMT


N37 XW31

Teach Ceoil Lake Road , Knockdomy N37 XW31 Moate Ireland

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 2 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours

It has been described as 20 years therapy in one session. Many people have visions and awakenings in the sessions that are profound.The breathwork itself is quite intense emotionally, physically and mentally but absolutey doable for everyone. It is for people who are serious about diving deep into their unconscious traumas, beliefs and shadow selves. This is why it deletes depression, stress and anxiety.This is actually what holds us back in life and keeps us on the hamster wheel of habitual thinking and doing the same old things. When we access these densities that may or may not belong to us ( they may be our parents trauma or even ancestral) they will make room for more of our true self to come in however when the true self comes in which is love this means that anything which is blocking love from coming in will have to surface to be felt. To feel it is to heal it. Best to fast before a session so the body is energized and ready.The Gong therapy is a chance to rebirth and rejuvenate, regenerate and replenish your cells and re set your wiring and so much more but I like to keep it a suprise.You will leave the session in a state of love and peace. Please remember to drink lots of water to flush your system and take a long epson salts bath afterwards. Your unconscious runs your life until it doesn't and then you will know what it means to live the life of your dreams as a soverign high frequency being of love and light ( your true self) !If you have a serious health condition or your are pregnant you may want to make contact before you book. If your ready for a no - nonsense real life changing experience and to drop your fears, come along. I hope your ready for miracl​es! Fast before if possible and please bring yoga mat, blanket and pillow for comfort.some healthy refreshments served.Res
erve your spot now as we are likely to sell out!

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