Promoting the Social & Emotional Well-Being of Babies ....

Promoting the Social & Emotional Well-Being of Babies ....

Promoting Social & Emotional Well-Being of Babies, Toddlers and Young Children in Early Learning and Care; An Infant Mental Health Approach

By Infant Mental Health Network Dublin 7 & 1

Date and time

Monday, January 20, 2025 · 6 - 8am PST



About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

This workshop is suitable for early years educators working with infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers interested in learning more about supporting children’s social and emotional wellbeing.

The aim of this workshop is to introduce participants to the concepts of infant mental health and to consider ways to support children’s social and emotional wellbeing using a relational framework.

After completing this webinar participants will be able to:

  • Describe Infant Mental Health (IMH)
  • Examine why an IMH approach is important in the Early Years Setting
  • Revisit attachment theory and relate it to practice
  • Consider ways to support IMH in an Early Years Setting

Sharon Byrne | Young Ballymun will be facilitating this training. Sharon has vast experience of working in the early years over a long number of years.

Organized by

We aim to build knowledge and skills across front line practice; developing a targeted approach within a shared framework; creating dedicated support and services for families. The project aims to increase the awareness of the needs of families by creating a shared understanding of how systemic issues are impacting on lives and family wellbeing. Through training we hope to develop a knowledge hub, lending to peer support, best practice, referral pathways and a united approach to service delivery. We aspire to creating opportunities for lifelong learning supporting the retention of staff and knowledge in the Dublin 7 and 1 areas.